
Pure AngularJS based Side Panels.


Type any message you want to show on the panel in the input box below, and press the button "LEFT OPEN".

Quic start

Copy the script and css into your project and add a script and link tag to your page.

<script type="text/javascript" src="angular.panels.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="angular.panels.css">

And add panels container tag to your application.

<div data-panels="true"></div>

Add a dependency to your application module and configure panel settings.

var app = angular.module('myApp', ['angular.panels']);

app.config(['panelsProvider', function (panelsProvider) {

            id: 'testmenu',
            position: 'right',
            size: '700px',
            templateUrl: '../resources/template/testmenu.html',
            controller: 'testmenuCtrl'
            id: 'testpanel',
            position: 'right',
            size: '80%',
            templateUrl: '../resources/template/testpanel.html',
            controller: 'testpanelCtrl',
            closeCallbackFunction: 'testpanelClose'

each panel's attributes are..

panel's unique id.
the side panel slides from top/right/bottom/left.
panel's height or width. unit(px,em,%..) is required.
panel template url.
panel's controller name.
panel open callback.
panel close callback.

To open the panel, inject panels service to your app then call the service method like below.

var app = angular.module('myApp', ['angular.panels']);

app.config(['panelsProvider', function (panelsProvider) {

            id: 'testmenu',
            position: 'right',
            size: '700px',
            templateUrl: '../resources/template/testmenu.html',
            controller: 'testmenuCtrl'

app.controller('defaultController', function($scope, panels) {

    //open testmenu panel'testmenu');

app.controller('testmenuCtrl', function($scope) {

    //left panel controller


It's all. Full source of the demo is below.


<!DOCTYPE html>

<html data-ng-app="angularApplication">
<head lang="ko">
	<meta charset="utf-8">
	<link href="//" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

	<script src="//"></script>
	<script src="//"></script>

<body data-ng-controller="defaultController">

	<div class="container-fluid content-section">
		<div class="container">
			<div class="row">
				<h2><i class="fa fa-play-circle"></i> Example</h2>

				<p>Type any message you want to show on the panel in the input box below, and press the button "LEFT OPEN".</p>

				<div class="form-group">
					<input class="form-control input-lg" type="text" data-ng-model="message" placeholder="Message for panels..">

				<div class="btn-group btn-group-justified">
					<a href="" data-ng-click="leftOpen()" class="btn btn-default">Left Open</a>
					<a href="" data-ng-click="rightOpen()" class="btn btn-default">Right Open</a>
					<a href="" data-ng-click="topOpen()" class="btn btn-default">Top Open</a>
					<a href="" data-ng-click="bottomOpen()" class="btn btn-default">Bottom Open</a>


	<div data-panels="true"></div>


		var app = angular.module('angularApplication', ['angular.panels']);

		//add panels
		app.config(['panelsProvider', function (panelsProvider) {

		            id: 'test01',
		            position: 'left',
		            size: '700px',
		            templateUrl: '../resources/template/left.html',
		            controller: 'leftCtrl'
		            id: 'test02',
		            position: 'right',
		            size: '50%',
		            templateUrl: '../resources/template/right.html',
		            controller: 'rightCtrl'
		            id: 'test03',
		            position: 'top',
		            size: '20%',
		            templateUrl: '../resources/template/top.html',
		            controller: 'topCtrl'
		            id: 'test04',
		            position: 'bottom',
		            size: '80%',
		            templateUrl: '../resources/template/bottom.html',
		            controller: 'testpanelCtrl',
		            closeCallbackFunction: 'bottomClose'

		//default controller
		app.controller('defaultController', ['$scope', 'panels', function ($scope, panels) {

			$scope.leftOpen = function () {
				$scope.$broadcast('leftHello', {message : $scope.message});

			$scope.rightOpen = function () {
				$scope.$broadcast('rightHello', {message : $scope.message});

			$scope.topOpen = function () {
				$scope.$broadcast('topHello', {message : $scope.message});

			$scope.bottomOpen = function () {
				$scope.$broadcast('bottomHello', {message : $scope.message});


		//left panel controller
		app.controller('leftCtrl', ['$scope', 'panels', function ($scope, panels) {

			$scope.$on('leftHello', function(event, args) {

				$scope.message = args.message;"test01");

		//right panel controller
		app.controller('rightCtrl', ['$scope', 'panels', function ($scope, panels) {

			$scope.$on('rightHello', function(event, args) {

				$scope.message = args.message;"test02");

		//top panel controller
		app.controller('topCtrl', ['$scope', 'panels', function ($scope, panels) {

			$scope.$on('topHello', function(event, args) {

				$scope.message = args.message;"test03");

		//bottom panel controller
		app.controller('bottomCtrl', ['$scope', 'panels', function ($scope, panels) {

			$scope.$on('bottomHello', function(event, args) {

				$scope.message = args.message;"test04");

			//close callback
			$scope.bottomClose = function () {

				window.alert('Close Callback!!');



<div class="pane-head">
	<button type="button" class="close" data-ng-click="panels.close();">×</button>

<div class="pane-body">
	<div class="row">
		<h3>Left Panel</h3>
	<div class="row">{{message}}</div>


IE9+, Chrome, Safari.

Fork on GitHub

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The MIT License.

Copyright ⓒ 2015 AHN JAE-HA.